Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Words from the Wise

A defense attorney told me today: "If you're defending a DWI trial, during voir dire, if there happens to be a guy out there with a tattoo, you want him. Chances are really good that he's been drunk."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Belated Resolution

Each January I entertain the idea of making resolutions for the new year, but I'm never serious about them. Or I'll think of a really easy one and just half-ass it for about a month before it disappears altogether. This year will be different. Last year opened up a lot of things to me, and since I'm single once again, I have the time and energy to devote to a resolution. There's just one with some ways to make it happen...

Make myself healthier.

1. Eat better.
--I have a weird eating schedule when I'm in school because of time constraints. So, I need to find a good schedule of good foods and eat them regularly.
2. Get out of unhealthy relationships when I first realize they're unhealthy.
--Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings ever... this past month has been awful, and I'm not about to feel that way again for a very long time.
3. Work out a lot more.
--This time last year I was doing yoga a few times a week consistently for a couple of months until I got kind of sick and never really got back into it again. Now is the time to start doing it again to keep myself sane.
4. Study more.
--Since I'm doing a victory semester, this is really the last semester I have to really give my GPA another boost before I apply to law school. My second try at the LSAT is five months away and there's no way I can have another mental breakdown before it.
5. Surround myself with my best friends.
--Four of my very best friends are graduating in May. Two are going up to NYC, one to Austin, and the other to grad school in either California or Colorado. All of us don't really have that much time in the same place so we're going to make this semester the very best!
6. Try to read more books for fun.
--I've always loved reading. College has made it more and more difficult to read for fun. All the stress to come is going require reading as an escape.

But, first and foremost, I need to kick this black lung I've had going since before finals. It will not go away so I'm finally going to the doctor tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.