Saturday, May 15, 2010


Another semester down, nine measly credit hours left before undergrad is done and gone. I could get them all finished in summer school and graduate in August, but who wants to do that? This means I get one more football season, three super easy A's, and four extra months to keep pretending like the real world doesn't apply to me.

I'm retaking the LSAT in T-24 days. We'll see how well that goes over since I've had zero time to study for it and my brain was completely fried after finals.

But, hell, it's summer! For once I'm trying to have an actual summer instead of staying inside all day every day, slaving away for no money. If I'm not going to get paid, I'd rather do nothing. So, that's what I'm going to do. However, that doesn't mean you can't still laugh at other interns (much, much less intelligent than I, of course) here at the DC Summer Interns blog.