Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's up, 5 month hiatus?

Summer has been over for quite some time. In fact, fall has been in swing for a couple of weeks, so, I'm pretty far behind in blogging.

I really had nothing exciting to blog about this summer (at least nothing that would keep anonymity a priority). The LSAT came and went. I didn't do as well as I had wanted, partially thanks to the previous boy being an ABSOLUTE PSYCHO. All personal issues aside, my summer was spent traveling around the country, and even to the Bahamas. I had a great time with my friends and family, signed up for the October LSAT, and started my very last semester.

School is less than exciting, with the exception of my Health and Human Sexuality class. I have been doing nothing legal or political other than applying to law schools and pissing off liberals in Priuses with my new 2008 Tahoe. Here's what happened:

I was at a gas station filling up my beast when a tall, gangly man pulls up in his neon blue Prius and gets out. After he was finished inside the gas station, he struck up conversation with me.

Liberal Man: "So how much does it cost to fill that up?"
Me: "Umm, I'm actually not too sure. I got it recently so I haven't paid attention to how much a full tank costs."

Liberal Man goes on to lecture me about my truck's environmental footprint and how I don't care about the environment so I should be ashamed of myself and consider a different mode of transportation. My response: "I'm sorry, tell me again what you're going to do with all of the toxic components in your hybrid battery once it's fucked. And what are you going to do with your next battery, and the next?" Needless to say, he shut up pretty quickly and drove off.

The moral of the story is to never try to insult a tiny blonde girl in her large Tahoe that is not only infinitely smarter than you, but can also monster truck your ass.