Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Apologize...

.... I have been slacking on my blogging. Nothing really hilarious worth noting has occurred; however, I did make the moot court team and I'm almost positive that I got the internship at the District Attorney's office! Good news all around!

Update on the Boy... when did I start liking nice guys? He opens car doors and door doors, pulls out my chair, everything. Chivalry has been lost on me for so long that not having to lift a finger makes me nervous and awkward. I'm not sure if he's realized what he's gotten into by dating me... Ruh-roh. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Boston is great and it's not just because last night was St. Paddy's Day. Alpha Gay and I played in Faneuil Hall and met with the owner of the Union Oyster House who is friends with my dad and Grandpa. He's probably hands-down the most interesting guy I've ever met and is currently serving as Consulate to Thailand. We spent an hour and a half with him last night but never actually ate at America's oldest restaurant so that's where we're having dinner tonight. I'm excited; it's supposed to be delicious food.

We walked our own version of the Freedom Trail today before my law school tour. I am infatuated with the school I toured. I loved it. I could totally see myself there studying and hanging out with friends. I'm obsessed with DC but if I get in to the schools I want, it's going to be so difficult deciding which city to live in. Moreover, I haven't even toured the Chicago school I'm looking at yet! Maybe I should start worrying more about the LSAT and less about schools since I won't be able to go to any of them unless I get the score I want.

So, tomorrow it's off to NYC and what should be a very fun two days! Alpha Gay scored us 5th row orchestra tickets to "Mamma Mia" on Broadway for Friday night and I am beyond stoked about it! I loooooooove "Mamma Mia!!" 

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Break of Spring has Commenced

Three tests and an internship interview later, I am officially on a worry-free (as long as I don't forget to pack something, miss my plane, miss my train, get arrested, lose my suitcase, lose my phone, lose my mind, or die) Spring Break! 

I had an interview for a summer internship in my county's District Attorney's office this afternoon. I got good vibes from it and think I just might have it in the bag. They take very few undergrad interns so if I get the internship, it will 1. beef my resume up even more for law school (read: increase my ego), and 2. make me incredibly happy. I should find out by the end of the month. 

So, there's a boy. Boy is taking me on our first date tonight to a nice steakhouse. I love steak. I'm awarding one Cool Point to Boy for picking a good place. Cool Points are equivalent to Schrute Bucks--for those who like The Office as much as me. They don't mean anything but it's fun to give them out.

But regardless of everything said above, the best part about my life right now is that Alpha Gay and I are leaving for Boston on Monday, heading to NYC on Thursday to meet up with Crackberry, and coming back to good ole Tejas on Saturday! Life rocks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Rock at Life

My American Law mid-term was tonight at 6. I was super tired when I got home from work so I decided to take a power nap before reviewing my notes for a few minutes then leaving for my exam. Well, that didn't go as planned. 

I woke up at 5:55, confused because it was light outside and I'm so used to going to that class when it's dark. After realizing that I was a moron, I ran to my car and jumped in. The traffic light gods were good to me and I made it to the parking lot faster than I ever have before. I was 10 minutes late to my test. I walked in, apologized to the guy who teaches my class, sat down, and dominated that test. I'm pretty sure I got every question right and I finished before half of the class.

When I went to turn in my test, the guy who teaches my class (I still can't bring myself to call him "Professor") rolled his eyes and gave me a "go to hell" look and I just smiled sweetly as I turned to leave.

And that's how it's done.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

You Play Ball like a GIRL!

The Sandlot was on the other night... Hands down one of the best movies ever.

My LSAT prep class teacher is wildly amusing and not at all bad to look at. However, it won't cause a distraction like you'd think it would. He makes boring stuff bearable and I don't have a problem keeping my eyes on the front of the room. I just hope he teaches me how to get the score I want come June 8.

I have three tests this week before my very much needed Spring Break. Aaaaaaaand I get to see Crackberry!!!! 

Side note: I wouldn't mind reducing these people to a mess of glowing rubble.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dun Dun Dunnnnn....

I'm taking my first practice LSAT in an hour and a half. I've decided not to stress about it since I don't really know what I'm doing in the first place. If all else fails, I've decided it could be mildly entertaining to make pictures with the bubbles on the answer sheet. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hi, I'm Gullible

A seemingly old man called the office not too long ago wanting the Congressman to vote for the Viagra law because it was compromising his relationship with his wife. I thought to myself, Viagra law? What Viagra law? I haven't heard anything about that and I'd remember since it's about Viagra and therefore automatically amuses me. (I know I'm mature).

So, I wrote down all of this guy's information while trying not to burst out laughing on the phone and promptly texted my friend after I hung up. He texted me back with "oh yeah that was me, Michael Clayton." I looked over at the message and saw that it was the exact name I had written down. My response: "You asshole."

Don't Misunderestimate My Generation

I was told by the first caller of the day that I should consider moving to Russia, Canada, or Mexico when I'm in my 40's because they take care of all of their citizens over the age of 60. (I commented that Russia and Canada were far too cold for my liking.) He told me that when I am his age, I will be looking to the government to help me out with my bills, medical insurance, ect. and that the United States won't help me because my generation doesn't matter.

Go on to one of those great countries, you goofy old bastard, and let me know just how much you enjoy it.

If I was allowed to do case work, I'd run the shit out of this office. Oh, wait, I'm the only one here... again. I'd better be getting one stellar recommendation.

Okay, fine, not all consitutents are bad. They may give these long-winded speeches about how much they hate illegals (I don't blame them for that one) but when a 76 year-old man tells me at the end: "You've been very kind and such a jewel for listening to this old man's rants. Don't forget that you and your peers with all the energy and all the brains can truly make a difference in America," it makes the aforementioned goofy old bastard's comment about my generation look just plain silly.

Misunderestimate is a great word. Thank you, W., for inventing it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One Ring to Rule them All

Sunday morning/afternoon hangovers are no fun. Last night was Alpha Gay's birthday party and boy did we all get hammered. Alpha Gay was the worst/best and it was hilarious. Spilff/Spliff/whatever we decided to call her and La Fonda were once again at my side and basically pouring drinks down my throat as if it was my birthday. Needless to say, we all had a great time.  Happy Birthday Alpha Gay!!

I have a dog now. Mom got a job in Hotlanta for two months and her dog, Chester, became a new addition to Blonde, Brunette, and I's little household. He has already taken a shit in the kitchen and barked his head off at Brunette's boyfriend (yes, he's here again) which was absolutely terrible for my hangover. 

Sunday is supposed to be a productive day of doing homework but there's a Lord of the Rings marathon on TNT and I feel like that's going to be way more fun.