Monday, March 9, 2009

I Rock at Life

My American Law mid-term was tonight at 6. I was super tired when I got home from work so I decided to take a power nap before reviewing my notes for a few minutes then leaving for my exam. Well, that didn't go as planned. 

I woke up at 5:55, confused because it was light outside and I'm so used to going to that class when it's dark. After realizing that I was a moron, I ran to my car and jumped in. The traffic light gods were good to me and I made it to the parking lot faster than I ever have before. I was 10 minutes late to my test. I walked in, apologized to the guy who teaches my class, sat down, and dominated that test. I'm pretty sure I got every question right and I finished before half of the class.

When I went to turn in my test, the guy who teaches my class (I still can't bring myself to call him "Professor") rolled his eyes and gave me a "go to hell" look and I just smiled sweetly as I turned to leave.

And that's how it's done.

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