Sunday, February 7, 2010

Return of the Crud

Yep. It's back. That nasty cough I had during finals that hung around until the second week or so of January has returned. It hurts. It makes life difficult. And the medicine I take for it makes me shaky, which is incredibly annoying.

Still nothing exciting happening these days. Just the same old running around between campus, the courthouse, and the bars.

Spring Break plans haven't been decided on yet, but it looks like I'll probably be venturing back to Taos with Alpha Gay and a few other people because my girlfriends can't ever decide on plans. However, I'll be traveling to DC again in April for a field trip (awesome, right?) and the boy (who isn't actually the boy anymore, I guess) is going as well. We have two classes together which means it's impossible for me to get over him. We're still good friends. It's not so weird anymore but it's just unfortunate, and I still miss him like all the time because he is so wonderful, it's just bad timing. Timing can suck it. Anyway, we're going for four days and it should be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm ready to travel somewhere again. Too bad I'm not going to Mardi Gras... that would be a blast. Maybe in law school.

But, seriously, this cough has got to go away for good. I can't handle it anymore. Ahhhhhh!