Monday, August 24, 2009

Can I Graduate Yet?

So I'm a senior this year and I think that gives me a little bit more experience and wisdom, and gets me more respect around campus. The cute little freshmen, who don't really have any experience, tend to do things that cause people to lose respect for them. For example, as I was walking to my first class this morning:

A freshman girl in a bid day shirt from a pretty "reputable" sorority comes dancing up to her friends singing loud enough for all to hear: "Ohhhh myyyy Godddd, guys, I'm stillllll fuckingggggg drunnnnnnk from last niiiiiiiiight!"

Not even 30 seconds later I pass three freshman frat rushees talking to each other. One guy is in a blazer (it's over 90-degrees, by the way) and is talking to his friend in a classic Easter egg colored Polo. Blazer kid says: "Dudes, today is going to be a beautiful day. I've already puked twice!!" His friends responded with high fives and "Duuuuuude, awesomeeeee!!"

Welcome to college, little ones. We are watching you, and we are judging you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

No More Singing and Clapping, Please

Today was the first day of work week. I think I've lost a few IQ points in the process. I also realized that I basically conducted voir dire on my rush group. Is it time for law school yet? No? One more year of undergrad? Fine. Be that way, Life.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm So Good at Playing Pretend

Every morning as I walk past the jail, there is about a 97.2% chance that I'm going to get hit on by at least one attractive gentleman gallantly being released from prison. Today was one such day, as was yesterday. I really wish I could do more to satisfy these men other than completely ignore them. The "Aye little mama's" and "Howdy purdy lady, yer sher lookin' purdy sexeh's" are just way too much to resist, but somehow I manage to pretend these men don't exist.

Now, I'm a pretty conservative girl. I enjoy my Republicanism, but before this internship I was warned to keep my political opinions to a minimum, so I did. And I guess I didn't realize how well I kept my opinions to myself (because I'm an incredibly opinionated person). But, as I was killing time on DrudgeReport today, one of the investigators came up to me and exclaimed, "YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE?!" My reply was something to the tune of, "Thank God, I am!" He was so surprised, and I was even more surprised that I had actually passed as a liberal all summer without even trying. Good thing I can make up for it by going back to intern for a Republican politician this coming semester.

Tomorrow is the last day of my internship, and I'm pretty sad. I've had such a good time and the people are so great. I really hope they allow me to come back again at some point in my future legal education and legal career.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Win

Coming back from a wonderful three day weekend was really hard. I got little sleep on Friday and little sleep on Saturday due to being in DC, but a lot of sleep last night when I got home. Even so, I still felt this weekend's affects. Getting out of bed this morning was the most grueling task ever. But, have no fear, I did make it into work on time, with coffee in hand.

Today was a special day because I became the senior intern in our unit. A new intern who just took the bar this year started today. Why is this special? I'm the only undergrad intern. He has passed the bar and can actually do real legal work. I have the computer and was given all of the assignments today. I win.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Build Street Cred

Yesterday after closing arguments, Frieda and I went back up to our cubicles to get some work done. Then the fire alarms started going off. Everyone on our floor started milling around asking each other whether or not we should ignore the alarms. We all decided it was a false alarm and went back to serious legal work including, but not limited to, standing around and joking with each other about the idiots who were probably evacuating the building. McProsecutor eventually came in and told us that there had been a fire in the holdover cells in the courtroom where this murder trial had taken place. We eventually learned that the defendant had kicked in the fire alarm which triggered the sprinklers to go off all over this courtroom and the holdover cells.

So, how do you build street cred? You murder a guy, piss off the jury, then get sentenced to basically half of your remaining life in prison. To top it all off, you hit the fire alarm. Yuh, yuh, homie, you're a certified gangsta now.