Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lacking motivation

I have a whole lot left to do for a paper due Friday but I cannot find the motivation to finish it. I am totally papered out. 

Today was quite glorious. It was the last day of my internship (until I got suckered into staffing a town hall meeting at the end of next month) and I signed the lease on my new apartment. It is 855 sq. ft. of bachelorette pad awesomeness. Fireplace, balcony, spacious kitchen, HUGE closet, and the pool area is way cool. This makes me less motivated to study for finals because all I want to do is pack all of my stuff and move in. Right now.

It's also rainy outside which makes doing anything but laying in bed watching a movie incredibly difficult. Finals = Boo.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good luck movin' up 'cause I'm movin' out

Trying to get along with both Blonde roommate and Brunette roommate has crossed the point of no return. So, it's apartment shopping I go! One bedroom, please. Preferably with a pool.

Boy won a $3,000 scholarship and a week's vacation at a beachside condo in Puerto Vallarta tonight at his fraternity alumni event. I'm convinced he doesn't live in the real world. Time for me to get my passport expedited so I can go if it's not a macho guy's trip.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Money in the Bank

I met McProsecutor last night. McProsecutor is an alum of Alpha Gay's fraternity so it was Alpha Gay who introduced me.

McProsecutor is 32 and hot. I think he was surprised that I could keep up with him and even beat him at witty banter. In a congratulatory spirit, he bought me a drink for getting the internship (which he flat out told me he couldn't believe I got because I'm an undergrad). 

Intern-1, McProsecutor-0

It's going to be a hell of a summer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love old people with provocative email addresses. I just had to email a Congressional Inquiry form to a one-handed (she lost her right hand years ago) 72 year old woman with "BerryRed" in her email address. Classy, Granny.

On another note:

Dear Case Workers,

I did not sign up for a secretarial internship. I will not schedule appointments for you nor will I call your husband/wife/sister and transfer the call to your office so you can blabber on and on about nothing pertaining to anything important. I will show you how to use a telephone so you can do it yourself. The next time one of them says "Can I talk to So-and-So?" I will respond with "I don't know, can you?" and hang up. Better yet, email them so I don't have to listen to you.

Furthermore, you get paid to do the easiest bullshit work in the world so do your fucking job.

Cordially yours,

The Intern

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Life is going by too slow for me at the moment. Maybe I just need something to spice it up, or maybe I'm just having a bummer of a night. I have two obscenely long papers due next week that I really should have started weeks ago, but procrastination is much more appealing than the work itself.

Today I registered for my last fall semester of college. Bittersweet, really. I'm ready to graduate and get on with the next chapter of my life and meet the new people that I will add to my absolutely wonderful collection of best friends. Opposite of the line in a John Mayer song, I've never been that good at being young. I've always wanted to be a few years older, which is why I get along better with those older than me. I guess it's because I like being in control of things and I don't like not knowing what will happen. So, I figure if I could make time go by faster, I would learn where exactly I'm going and when and with whom. Too bad that can't happen. Ah, c'est la vie.

Can it be summer yet? Please? 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

You Can't Fix Stupid

Happy Easter/be-lated Passover everyone! 

Dad bought tickets to see Ron White this weekend when he came through Dallas. Dad decided that he didn't want to get arrested for a DWI so we got a limo to take us to dinner and then to the venue. Friday night comes around and we're all excited to go out. We finished all of the alcohol in about 15 minutes and had the limo driver pull into a gas station so we could get more. By the time we got to dinner, we were all feeling pretty silly. So silly, in fact, that out of the two groups of people ushered to the table next to us, both groups asked to be moved to a different table before opening their menus. Dad was the drunkest in the group and proceeded to tell the limo driver to go the complete wrong way and we drove up to the venue an hour(ish) late. We walked in all drunk and goofy, ready to see what was left of the show, only to be told by the people in the lobby that our tickets were for the following night. Fail.

So, Saturday night consisted of the same thing with a few exceptions: We left earlier just incase we went the wrong way again and we went to a different restaurant. Oh, and we actually made the show on time. It was hysterical and I was dying laughing the entire time... totally worth the two nights of getting drunk with the family.

Today's Easter plans consist of curtain shopping and going back to school to work on papers and watching the Masters. What a nice rainy day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Time Wasted is... Annoying.

I started new hours at work today. The internship coordinator finally realized that I spend five and a half of my six hours doing absolutely nothing (read: briefing myself on the daily world news, Texas criminal law news, DC news, conservative/Republican news, and doing homework when I feel that I'm knowledgable enough about what's going on in the world that day).

Things I have learned from Day 1:

-- My body wakes me up at 8:00am and will not let me sleep past 10:00am.
-- It's very sad when 10:00 is the latest your body will let you sleep in.
-- I seriously need to invest in curtains.
-- There is this new concept called "downtime" and I have no idea how to utilize it. It currently consists of me sitting in front of my computer with the Travel Channel on in the background.
-- Although I didn't figure this out today, I have the travel bug.
-- Even when I cut my hours in half, I still only do no more than one hour of actual secretarial work per internship session (I have deemed this no longer an actual "working" internship).
-- This internship is stupid (not that that's a new idea either) and I can't wait to start my new one at the DA's office.

However, today Dad informed me that we are getting a new puppy in four weeks!!!! I'm not sure I can effectively spell out the excitement that goes with this news. I love puppies, especially those that belong to me. They are the greatest things in the entire world and simply the news of getting a new one has made my day better. We're getting a male Bouvier des Flandres so Macy, our Portuguese Water Dog, will have a buddy. YAY!

Boy and I took a spontaneous date/trip to Winstar Casinos late Thursday night. I'd never been so I attribute my winnings of $88.57 on a penny slot machine to be beginner's luck. We left promptly after I cashed in because we figured we weren't going to get any luckier. Have I acquired a gambling addiction? No way. Gambling makes me nervous because I think it's stupid to lose obscene amounts of money (like $20) in less than seven minutes on two hands of Blackjack. Especially when you pretend you can count cards by thinking 1...2...3...4...5... in your head because no matter how many times Boy tries to explain it, you have no clue what +2 or -1 means. Just because I've seen the movie 21 doesn't mean I get how to win Blackjack.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Awesome Day

I was offered a summer internship in the Family Violence division at the DA's office!!! Yaaaaaaay! I'm incredibly excited, but mostly because I get to work with this really hot prosecutor whom Spliff (or whatever) and I affectionately call, McProsecutor.

The essay test I had to take today was a walk in the park. It was equivalent to free writing for me because I knew all the answers. Even when I walked out of the test my professor said, "Well, shit, you don't look tortured at all!" Truth is- I wasn't tortured. I was calm and relaxed and just enjoyed taking a test for the first time in my life.

Sister is coming to play tonight!! She has a tour of the school tomorrow so she's spending the night with me and meeting Boy at dinner tonight. We all love seafood so it should be a great night. Oh, did I mention that she's rooming with Boy's cousin next year? Hilarious.