Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Life is going by too slow for me at the moment. Maybe I just need something to spice it up, or maybe I'm just having a bummer of a night. I have two obscenely long papers due next week that I really should have started weeks ago, but procrastination is much more appealing than the work itself.

Today I registered for my last fall semester of college. Bittersweet, really. I'm ready to graduate and get on with the next chapter of my life and meet the new people that I will add to my absolutely wonderful collection of best friends. Opposite of the line in a John Mayer song, I've never been that good at being young. I've always wanted to be a few years older, which is why I get along better with those older than me. I guess it's because I like being in control of things and I don't like not knowing what will happen. So, I figure if I could make time go by faster, I would learn where exactly I'm going and when and with whom. Too bad that can't happen. Ah, c'est la vie.

Can it be summer yet? Please? 

1 comment:

  1. Summer can't come soon enough. And I still have a month of school left.
