Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm in a Big Fluffy Cloud

So yesterday I found out that I am the ONLY undergrad intern in the whole intern program. You may be asking, "Wow, how did you beat out actual law students who know more than you do?" My answer? Fuck if I know. Maybe it's because they don't have to pay me. But regardless--how did I get this internship? Who knows? I'm just glad I got it. Glad that I now get to surround myself with sex offenders and wife beaters (actual people, not the tank top). I fill my days with subpoena applications, victim statements, office bullshit (read: whiting out and writing in the name of the ex-DA because the Chief Prosecutor forgot to change the name on, say, all of the motions for his docket next Wednesday then letting him know he had a string stuck to his face right before he walked into the courtroom), 911 calls, and watching prosecutors punish evil doers. And I guess working with McProsecutor on a daily basis isn't the worst thing in the world. (Okay, it's awesome, I won't lie.)

Today during one of my three trips to the clerk's office (first I left off the case number on the subpoenas then I brought down the wrong motions... no one could tell I was an intern) I ran into a woman on the elevator wearing a low cut shirt with "STEVE" in cursive tattooed across her chest, above her boobs. When reporting the amusing sight to my fellow interns, I pondered what would happen if she and "STEVE" ever broke up. The other girl intern and I decided that we'd probably just date Steves for the rest of our lives. Then she said, "Wait until she gets older--her love grows longer with time!"

Then, when we were interviewing a new victim, we asked her if she felt safe around her boyfriend who allegedly beat her with an internet router. She claims: "Of course I feel safe around him! When I put my arms around him it feels like I'm in a big fluffy cloud." Did I mention she had a black eye? Yeah, we thought it screamed "Brady notice!" too.

Today I found out that my blog (along with The Namby Pamby, the Alleged Lady, and Law with Grace) all made the Top 16 Most Entertaining Law Blogs on Lawlygagging! This was back in February but my dad found it (yes, my dad reads my blog... hi Dad!) and I was pretty excited to see that 1.) People actually read my blog!!; and 2.) I was put in the same category with three blogs I read all the time. So thank you, Lawlygagging, for letting me know that this blog isn't just for my own amusement! I'm a nerd--don't judge.

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