Friday, June 19, 2009

Life: 17, Interns: 0

Today was "Loopy Friday" for the other two interns and I. Provided below is a list of our--mostly my--failures during the nine hours we were at the office.

1. I arrive to find a present from the Chief (read: six cases with four different motions a piece) on my desk. My task: Make a zillion copies, file some, file stamp some, fax some, scan some. This wasn't too difficult of a task until the almighty copier decided to smear ink all over the copies I was making.

2. After recopying motions for the two cases that got painted by the Konica Minolta, I got hit by the elevator doors as I was running to the clerk's office. A prominent defense attorney saw the whole thing. And laughed.

3. I forgot how to load staples into the stapler. Apparently they were supposed to go on the other side of the spring. Good thing I asked everyone within the vicinity of me how to work a stapler.

3. The guy intern broke/jammed the printer a grand total of four times.

4. The other girl intern went to see one of our investigators. She completely blanked on where his office was and ended up asking the Chief Prosecutor of another unit on a completely different floor if he could serve one of our subpoenas. Our investigator's office is maybe eight feet from this girl's desk.

5. I somehow broke the top drawer in the filing cabinet. It just doesn't open anymore.

6. We waged yet another war on the printer that kept getting jammed/broken.

7. While converting a 911 call from one format to another, the guy in the audio/video lab ended up recording Mr. T. saying, "THAT'S JIBBA JABBA!" right over the victim's story. Good thing we still had the original.

Needless to say, the three of us laughed hard and loud for the better part of today. So, while we made ourselves look like complete morons, we had fun. It did make us feel better to see that the chief made the following mistakes on the motions I dealt with:

1. Court: County Criminal Court Nmber Five (on every motion)
2. Mr. Criminal, represented by her attorney, Mr. Defense Attorney.
3. Inserting the name of the completely wrong attorney on the motions for one case.

Watch out, world! Comes now, brilliant legal minds.

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