Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Justice: 1, Sex Offender: 0

I should get my blogging privileges taken away since I rarely do it nowadays. But, on to bigger and better things....

I started my internship at the DA's office last Wednesday. It is seriously one of the coolest, most interesting internships I've ever had. The attorneys in the division I'm interning in are firm believers of learning by doing. Since I'm the only undergrad student in our division (maybe even the only one, period), it takes me a little bit longer to get things than the two other interns that just finished their 2L year. So, I pretty much keep my mouth shut and listen/learn until I'm confused, have a question, or decide to make a joke. I've been shadowing the Chief Prosecutor for the past couple of days. He's this huge black man who looks incredibly intimidating but is one of the nicest, coolest guys I've ever met (even though he gave me roughly 600 pages of sex offender therapy records to read).

Because our office has a "learning by doing" philosophy, the two other interns and I are able to sit and watch a few trials each week. I have already learned so much about court proceedings, motions, subpoenas, witnesses, plea bargains, and a bunch of stuff about the Texas Criminal Code. For some reason I've really enjoyed watching voir dire. Maybe it's because that process isn't something I'm very familiar with at this point. However, I bet I'll be sick of it by the time the summer ends.

Today, one of the interns and I had a huge victory over a printer. How many interns does it take to make a phone call and print a subpoena duces tecum for medical records? Three. (I had no idea there were different kinds of subpoenas until today.)

Also, the Crimes Against Children Unit served up some justice today by locking away a former Yankees player for aggravated sexual assault. Go prosecutors!

So, needless to say, I'm really enjoying this internship and I'm very excited to go to the office every day--even though I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning.

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