Monday, February 2, 2009

A Case of the Mondays

What a beat down today was. I was at my house for a grand total of about one hour today. I left for work at 8:30, got home at 4:30. Changed clothes and made Bertoli pasta (which is delicious, by the way) and finished writing my briefs. Back out the door around 5:30ish for class at 6. Class ended at 8:30 then off to the sorority house for yet another one of the world's most redundant chapter meetings. Finally, home at 10:30.

 This weekend did nothing to normalize my sleep pattern so I was tired as balls at work and didn't want to deal with anyone's shit. I kept making stupid typos on case letters to agencies and constituents and I'd just assign it to a random case worker so they'd have to go back in and fix my mistakes because I was lazy. Whatever. They get paid, I don't. They can deal with it.

However, my Concepts in American Law professor/28 year-old white collar criminal defense attorney (who I really can't bring myself to call "professor" because I have friends that age and older and it just feels too odd to call him "professor") knows my name. And my name only out of the 30-40 kids in my class. I sit on the front row and I answer/ask questions and participate. And my last name is pretty memorable if you know it. Anyway, I now get to play a part in every one of his hypotheticals. It's great because I know he likes me (at least that's the impression I'm getting) and I get to play so many different roles. In one hypothetical, I was suing my ex-fiancee after he cheated on me and broke off our engagement. I wanted to pipe up and tell him that would be impossible because 1. Me? Have a fiancee? HA! Good joke. and, 2. I wouldn't have taken the sonofabitch to court, I would've simply broken his nose or curb stomped him. Or both. (Thanks for the new vocab, Crackberry!) 

Anyway, said 28 year-old who is taking my legal education virginity is a conservative as evidenced by his hilarious view of Californians as "those fucking whackos over there." I have a feeling he and I are going to get along famously this semester.

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