Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Update to yesterday's post on H.R. 80: Congress has officially burst the bubble of every person who has ever wanted a monkey as a pet. Sorry, Curious George, you've got to go.

My school hasn't had a moot court team in years and the political science department has decided to create one for next year. Since I'll be a Senior with nothing else on my plate (yeah, right), I've decided to tryout. The case I have to argue is US v. Williams about free speech and the marketing of child porn. Any advice would be fabulous!

I had my very first LSAT-related dream last night. In my dream I had woken up one morning to realize that I was taking the LSAT the next day and I had no idea what I was doing because I hadn't studied at all. Then my alarm went off and I woke up in a slight panic. I assume there will be many similar dreams to come. Bring it on, brain!

I died laughing watching this video earlier. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I used to have dreams about taking tests all the time when I was still in school. One night I even woke up to find myself "writing" out answers on my pillow!

    Good luck with the studying, (and make sure you don't leave any pens near your bed). :)
