Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Letter of the Day

Contents of a letter we received at the office today, about three-quarters of the way down a sheet of notebook paper torn out of a spiral:

"You need to award every freshman student with a free 40-ounce smoothie from Smoothie King for perfect A's and B's on their report cards."

The senior case worker in the office wanted to take this letter seriously. She tried to defend it by saying that the hand writing looked like it belonged to a little kid. I can find a few issues with that defense:

1. Many of my guy friends have hand writing similar to that kid's. Just because the only male case worker in the office has extremely girlie hand writing doesn't mean all males do.
2. Key word: Freshman.
3. The kid was probably high as a fucking kite and craving Smoothie King. End of story! I am NOT putting that in the computer as a legislative comment and you cannot make me do it.

I also forgot that today was Ash Wednesday and was very very close to telling the male case worker in the office that he had dirt on his forehead when he came into the office after his morning Mass. Thank God I am learning to think before I speak. Additionally, I haven't decided what I'm giving up for Lent. I'm not Catholic. I don't even really care. I just feel that with Spring Break coming up and everything, I should give some kind of food up. 


  1. Haha just rest easy knowing that there's a chance that person is a registered voter, and has a vote that counts equal to yours.

  2. I tried to rub BISMOW's head twice before I remembered.

    And um, the Smoothie idea is kind of cool if not poorly executed......
