Monday, January 5, 2009

Airport Fun and TAOS!


Best-Friend-Who-Currently-Doesn't-Have-A-Catchy-Nickname and I are sitting in the DFW airport waiting to board our flight to cold-as-hell Albuquerque and take a shuttle to an even colder Taos. Our flight has been delayed for about 30 minutes. The friendly people at American Airlines just informed us it will be about another half an hour because they have to replace a part on the place. Snore. And there's this weird lady sitting on the floor stretching as if she's about to go run a marathon. She even used this huge Blackberry advertisement to stretch her shoulders. Freak. Yes, I'm judging. But I digress...

It's cold here in Dallas. 31-degrees to be exact (says my computer). Ice coated the car this morning. So, you would think our flight would be delayed because people in Texas flip shit when it gets this cold and there's the threat of ice. Nope. It's because of a part. Such is life.

Since I have the time, I guess I'll just give a little bit of background info to catch any/everyone up to speed:

1. My parents are recently divorced. My mom used to be a lot crazier than she is now so, although the entertainment factor has decreased somewhat, at least we're all happier. My dad and I share very similar interests and a lot of times I find myself sounding exactly like him. Sometimes that scares me. But, he's smart and I guess I should just take that as a sign of being raised the right way. My dad's dog, Macy, is a high maintenance princess. She is a-fucking-dorable and one of the greatest dogs ever. She's a Portuguese Water Dog and therefore everyone thinks she's a poodle because she has curly hair (morons). Picture to come.

2. I love my little sister (hereinafter referred to as "Sister"). She can be a brat but she's pretty great. She just received her acceptance letter to the same overpriced Texas private university that I attend. Yay Sister!

3. After a brief few hours in jail on New Years Day my junior year of college—six months until my 21st birthday—I decided that criminal defense law would be a super career for me. It was 10:00am and a few friends and I were on our way home from a party the night before. I was sitting in the backseat and was given a Minor in Consumption (or, COMSUMPTION according to the brilliant officer of the law who put me in cuffs) and then promptly arrested unnecessarily. So, after getting all that wiped off my record, I can now empathize with my future clients. Lucky me.

4. My internships have been hilarious and better than I could ever ask for. This past summer I was in DC and am still surprised I made it back to Texas relatively unscathed and alive…. Oh! Time to board…


Now that we’re on the plane, we have to get de-iced. It’ll take about 50 minutes until we’re airborne. Super. There are no cute guys on this flight and these two kids in front of me continue to fight with each other. Sounds like it’s going to be a pleasant hour and twenty minutes.

I was talking to Crackberry while sitting in the airport and his current revelation, unsurprisingly, involves his beloved cellular device. No Blackberries in the bedroom. Apparently it’s okay for Crackberry to Blackberry after sex but his current Lady Friend cannot. He says it’s annoying when people Blackberry after boning. Well no shit, Sherlock. So, he has banned them from the bedroom. We’ll see how well that works out.

Anyway, back to my biographical information… Despite the annoying guy with the extremely loud Yankee accent sitting behind Best-Friend-Who-Still-Doesn't-Have-A-Catchy-Nickname and I.

4., cont’d. My internships have been with pretty prominent Republicans. I don’t mean to brag since Republicans are currently fucked in Washington and I have no business boasting about my political ideology. But, I’m pretty proud of myself and I’ve really enjoyed the experiences so far. Yeti, my favorite roommate from DC, often refers to me as “Office Wench” since I’m on my third political internship.

5. Yeti is my favorite female Jew. She’s from Long Island and is obsessed with the Yankees and the Giants. She’s currently trying to figure out how to deal with a virgin she wants to date and I just think that’s hilarious.

Ugh. We have to secure our electronic devices again. However, we got de-iced ahead of schedule and I’ll see that as a good thing. Update: The kids in front of us are having a fight about how loud their iPods are. Best-Friend-Who-Currently-Doesn't-Have-A-Catchy-Nickname and I are very tempted to act their age and tap their seats every so often. We’re mature, I promise. Until I’m allowed to turn my computer back on again….


Finally up in the air. I’m bored. Cap’n says it’s 29-degrees in Albuquerque. Brr. Send me home in a cooler because I’m going to turn into an ice cube.

Best-Friend-Who-Currently-Doesn't-Have-A-Catchy-Nickname is reading an article about the rise of the “Alpha-Gay” and is quite proud to be one himself. I’m worrying about my first LSAT class that starts in two months and two days. Yikes. I thought I’d be at least a little bit more prepared for that than I am. Maybe that’s the book I should be pulling out and working on.

I’m now running out of witty ramblings about nothing and since the food/drink cart is here, I’ll turn off my computer and actually post this when I have internet access again.


More snow than I've seen in my entire life. HUGE freaking house. Heater in the bathroom so I don't freeze in the morning. HUGE library IN the house. Hi, I think I'll take it! So far, Taos is BADASS!

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