Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gimme, gimme, gimme...

We've figured out nicknames for my two partners in crime who are back from a semester in Italy and ready to roll (read: hang out together and complain about how much we'd rather be in a cooler place than this). Also, we as in my two friends and I... just to clarify.

LaFonda is a saucy soul out of Tulsa and is always the last one standing with me at parties. Think Spring Break sophomore year at this dude's house getting completely shut out at beer pong and all of the guys telling us we had to do a naked run around the house. Turned out the guys insisted on doing the naked run themselves... It's not like we cared at all; They were all swimmers and had gorgeous bodies. And she was the only one who spent the night at their house with me. But I think that could've been because our friends didn't want to come pick us up. Hmm. Anyway, LaFonda, despite the nickname, is white and goofy as all hell. I'm glad to have her as a friend.

Spilf (I think? It's German... whatever.) or Chickitita (we haven't officially decided) was my roommate last year. We grew up in the same town together and have grown into great friends. A piece of me was missing when she was away in Italy and I'm very glad to have her back. Not only is she the most fashionable person I know, she actually has real interests such as any kind of gossip, politics, and legal issues. Mostly celebrity gossip thought. She's addicted. But, I love her anyway.

Crackberry called me last night so I could confirm that we didn't hook up this summer and haven't, well, ever. I guess his lady friend didn't seem to believe his story that our relationship is platonic. And she's not the first one to think otherwise which is weird. I think people would figure out that it's a bit difficult to keep up a sexual relationship when you're 1400 miles away from someone. Guess not. It does really suck being so far away from one of my really good friends. I don't like that part at all.

On a more immediate note: Alpha Gay and I secured our tickets for Spring Break. Boston and New York City had better watch out because we'll be there in two months!

Yeti: whats the point of being with someone for an extended period of time if you dont see it going somewhere? esp by the time you're my age

Says the 24 year-old. 

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