Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mile High Club?

From here on out, that best friend whom I have referred to in previous posts is "Alpha Gay." Because he just is.

Alpha Gay wanted me to update the post about our flight to Albuquerque because there was a cute guy on the flight: the pilot. 

We had a bunch of college-aged kids on our flight back to DFW tonight and it went very smoothly. However, there were four Aggies that we sort of wanted to strangle. And another hot pilot who was just flying back to DFW. 

The funny part about all of this is that Alpha Gay and I must have insinuated to all passengers within view that we wanted to join the "Mile High Club" (not with each other though... weird) for the two following reasons:

1. Alpha Gay was watching an episode of Nip/Tuck on his computer and every time the flight attendant walked by our row, someone on the show was having sex. First there was the Catholic school girl outfit, then a swinger's club, and then the making of a porno. I think the couple behind us was quite aroused by this episode seeing as they kept giggling during the naughty parts.
2. I decided to be girlie for some reason and purchase the newest Vogue and Cosmo from the airport magazine store. The new Cosmo has like four articles about sexy massages, making sex feel better (unfortunate that people are actually terrible at boning), ect. Anyway, every time there was a sexual act happening on Nip/Tuck, the flight attendant was in the aisle next to us, and I just so happened to be at one of those sexy articles in Cosmo with pictures of people in sex positions and in lingerie plastered all over the pages. Sexy, right? Hm.

So, Alpha Gay and I are fairly certain the flight attendant thought we were either nymphomaniacs and/or ready to go at it in the lavatory. Regardless, we were given some pretty funny looks while we just died laughing at how the situation looked to others.

Back to the real world on Monday. The REAL, real world. Congressman Badass's office 9-4 then  Concepts in American Law from 6-8:30. Those are my Mondays until the last week of April. Yuck. Hopefully I get some funny calls on Monday though. Constituents are my [least] favorite!

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